商业机会往往与熟练的劳动力有关, new customers, 成本效益和不同类型的网络, 比如创新系统或集群. 这些机会中有许多是区域性的或地方性的, wherefore Swedish investment promotion is handled through regional bodies responsible for attracting investments as well as leading and coordinating the long-term cooperation for export promotion worldwide.
Investment promotion cooperation
商务PG电子官方免费下载与该地区合作 Team Sweden 机构识别商业和投资机会, market them internationally and deliver the best possible service to potential investors. 不同的地区具有互补的能力, which means that Business Sweden from a national level can aggregate more competitive investment opportunities to international investors.
了解更多有关我们的投资促进伙伴 here.
Alongside the creation of Team Sweden, the Swedish government have developed regional export centres around Sweden. The establishment was based on the specific conditions of each region which has resulted in slightly different set-ups in the regions.
The work of the regional export centres focuses on common activities such as joint customer interactions, seminars and conferences. Tillväxtverket (Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth) coordinates the effort in order to secure knowledge transfer between the regions as well as granting project financing to support the efforts. Business Sweden is a key player to reach the goal of the regional export centers and an active partner in the joint activities arranged.
阅读更多关于区域出口中心的信息 here.