印度尼西亚是 a promising business destination for several reasons – the largest economy in ASEAN is rich in natural resources and has a demographically well-positioned and rapidly growing middle-class that drives domestic consumption. In 2030, the country will have nearly 300 million inhabitants and is projected to be the seventh largest economy in the world.
今天,印尼已经是世界十大制造业大国之一. 进一步促进经济增长, the government has adopted several reforms that include establishing industrial zones and providing tax holidays.
The rapidly increasing spending power, a tech-savvy population and massive public investments create business opportunities within various industries. 私人消费约占国内生产总值的60%, which is one of the main reasons many foreign companies enter and expand their businesses in 印尼.
自1907年爱立信首次进入印尼以来,许多其他PG电子官方免费下载公司也纷纷效仿. 今天, around 80 companies with ties to PG电子官方免费下载 are active in the country and many more are exploring the possibility of market entry. There are also a number of 印尼n companies and partners that represent Swedish products and technologies.
For a smooth landing in 印尼, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges. 许多PG电子官方免费下载公司都在努力跟上不断变化的法规, and corruption is an ever-present risk. 作为我们的贸易 & 投资专员Erik Odar在下面的采访中说道, 做好准备并听取当地专家的建议是至关重要的.
PG电子官方免费下载商业公司于2012年在印度尼西亚建立了业务. The team is located in Jakarta and can help you overcome any obstacles you may encounter as part of your expansion. 我们的主要PG电子游戏包括市场分析、战略咨询和合作伙伴搜索. 我们也可以就如何避免贪污提供建议.
Erik Odar
贸易 & 印尼投资专员在印尼扩张的主要优势是什么?
印度尼西亚是世界上最大的市场之一,并且每年都在持续增长. 新的创新和产品有很大的发展空间. 公共和私营部门都对PG电子官方免费下载的创新解决方案感兴趣, quality products and sustainable 操作. Companies that offer products to the manufacturing industry as well as those offering consumer goods and solutions for infrastructure will find interesting opportunities. 印度尼西亚是一个分散的国家,有当地的需求, solutions and services that facilitate long-distance delivery and collaboration are in high demand.
Difficulties to access market information and data in 印尼 makes it hard to know where and how to start 操作. Obtaining information on relevant projects and business opportunities generally requires local staff or local partners. 另一个挑战是法规在不断发展和变化, 这使得在法律上和与当地政府打交道变得困难. Corruption is another ever-present problem. 印尼也有一些行业不向外资开放. 然而,这些挑战可以通过良好的准备和计划来解决. 获得当地专家的帮助和支持也很重要.
Are there any cultural aspects to consider?
人们通常都很快乐, 热情和好奇, but it is nevertheless important to follow up quickly and continuously in order to make things happen. 与当地合作伙伴的个人关系很重要. Just as in many other Asian countries, 这种关系通常与产品和报价一样重要.