PG电子游戏 to accelerate global sales performance
- PG电子游戏
- 销售加速
我们所有的PG电子游戏都是量身定做的. Here is a selection of common challenges and how we can help you accelerate global sales performance.
I'm struggling to find suitable local business partners. 我该怎么办呢??
Helping companies find partners is one of our key services. With one foot in the public sector and one in the private, we have a broad contact network that comes in handy if you have limited experience in your new market.
- 搜索 for and evaluate suitable partners
- Use our network to put your company in contact with key stakeholders and decision-makers
- Set up and attend meetings with potential partners
- 跨越语言和文化障碍
I need to set up a local sales team in my new market, but where do I start?
If direct sales is your preferred business model, 你确实需要一个熟悉当地市场的可靠销售团队. At the same time, it can be risky to recruit and train salespeople before business has taken off.
- 寻找并评估相关的客户群和/或客户
- Manage your sales both temporarily or for a longer period
- 利用我们的网络找到你需要的关系来完成交易
Managing your sales strategy is crucial to make the most of the opportunities in a new market. Getting it right requires equal parts art and science, and it can take a long time to find the right business development leaders.
- 检查并调整你的成长策略
- Lead your local sales team while you are looking for a permanent solution (available in some markets)
- 帮助您进入“品牌PG电子官方免费下载”, 通过各种活动和倡议在国外宣传PG电子官方免费下载的战略
我想提高在国际市场上的销售业绩. 你能帮忙吗??
What can you do to boost the performance of your distributors in another country? A sales strategy needs to be managed well to be effective, but many companies lack the resources needed to find the right sales team in a new market.
- Evaluate and carry out performance management
- 促进全球和本地销售经理之间的沟通
What happens if an unexpected procurement deal presents itself in one of your international markets? It can be challenging to know how to best respond to the sudden effort needed, and there is a risk that the opportunity slips away.
- 加强你的常规销售团队
- 向您展示如何从PG电子官方免费下载的品牌战略中获益
- Guide you to available resources within 团队PG电子官方免费下载, 政府当局网络, agencies and companies that work together to boost Swedish exports abroad and investments in PG电子官方免费下载
- Support your procurements toward the EU, UN and international development banks
阅读更多关于 国际采购 和我们的 企业到政府PG电子游戏.